Earlier this month, L. Casey Chosewood, MD, MPH, Director of the Office of Total Worker Health at NIOSH traveled to Eastern Iowa to present at theĀ Corridor Business Journal’s annual Health Care Summit. During his luncheon keynote, Dr. Chosewood addressed the business case for Total Worker Health initiatives. Attendees were advised to focus on workplace changes and not on changing individual behaviors. See the full story, “Total Worker Health begins with the job” from the Corridor Business Journal online.
Prior to his presentation in Cedar Rapids, Dr. Chosewood participated in an interactive discussion with students and faculty at the University of Iowa College of Public Health, “Twenty Questions on CDC, NIOSH, and Total Worker Health (All You Ever Wanted to Know- and More!)” Dr. Chosewood also made time to meet one-on-one with several new investigators and pilot grantees from the Center.
Before the conclusion of his trip, Dr. Chosewood sat down with Dean Parker at the College of Public Health to further discuss opportunities for the University of Iowa and NIOSH to work together to improve the wellbeing of workers throughout the region.